Reminder! Our coaches are trained and certified by The Intuition Gym and have:
Ability to ask questions, frame concepts and pull answers out of clients, so that clients can have multi-dimensional answers revealed from within, rather than receiving a textbook answer or a one-size-fits-all answer from the coach.
Enhanced skills and training in discovering personality, soul identity and spiritual gifts.
Enhanced skills and training in navigating and clearing limiting beliefs, buried emotions and unhealed wounds, in order to awaken untapped abilities.
Knowledge of a method (intuition, muscle testing, dowsing) to identify areas to bring back into wholeness for the client.
Knowledge of at least one modality to shift and move energy in the mind, body and emotions (breath-work, meditation, EFT, frequencies, etc).
Familiarity with how energy works (mind, body, spirit, beliefs, emotions).
Familiarity with all the classes offered in The Intuition Gym, so they can direct members to the relevant classes for them following a session.
Taken and passed the prerequisite coaching exams from The Intuition Gym.