Welcome to Private Coaching!

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Steps for Booking Your Session:

Reminder! Our coaches are trained and certified by The Intuition Gym and have: 

  • Ability to ask questions, frame concepts and pull answers out of clients, so that clients can have multi-dimensional answers revealed from within, rather than receiving a textbook answer or a one-size-fits-all answer from the coach.
  • Enhanced skills and training in discovering personality, soul identity and spiritual gifts. 
  • Enhanced skills and training in navigating and clearing limiting beliefs, buried emotions and unhealed wounds, in order to awaken untapped abilities.
  • Knowledge of a method (intuition, muscle testing, dowsing) to identify areas to bring back into wholeness for the client.
  • Knowledge of at least one modality to shift and move energy in the mind, body and emotions (breath-work, meditation, EFT, frequencies, etc).
  • Familiarity with how energy works (mind, body, spirit, beliefs, emotions).
  • Familiarity with all the classes offered in The Intuition Gym, so they can direct members to the relevant classes for them following a session.
  • Taken and passed the prerequisite coaching exams from The Intuition Gym. 
support is all around you!

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