New Message from Martina muir

What is the Value of Struggle?

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Sharing some messages and impressions I've had over the past couple of weeks... through dreams, impressions, and hearing messages. Hoping it helps others as it's been helping me.

When I looked at the energy of this month it looked like a wind storm. I could see people inside their houses looking out their window.... hunkering inside waiting for it to pass. 

Here we are today and the energy around me looks like rain coming in horizontally. This is not information meant to be afraid... in fact, the opposite is true. 

How can we find joy through pain?
What is the value in struggle?
How do we discern and align with Truth?
Can we love one another through the process?

Our goal is to create a tidal wave of light that washes over the entire planet.

Will you join us?
The Intuition Gym is committed to teaching you how to open your intuition—and strengthen it, so you can make better decisions, shape your ideal life and discover your purpose.

We help you fuel your personal development by offering:

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Training for All Levels

Similar to a physical gym, you’ll find the weekend warriors, the beginners, the gym rats, and the body builders.

One thing’s for certain, we’re not taking gym selfies—no room for ego or comparison-itis here! We're all in a different phase of our human journey and embrace that simple truth with love.

"Workouts" to Find Answers

Answers to questions like...

How do you find God’s truth for your life, tap into your true divine identity, claim your spiritual gifts and fulfill your soul purpose?

How do you get your Soul into alignment with God's truth?

Intuition Coaching

The trainers use their spiritual gifts to share intuitive information they're receiving like the Quantum Weather Reports (what’s going on in the world energetically) and how to navigate it.

You can also ask for specific help with your own spiritual gifts and other questions on our weekly Wonder Wednesday zoom calls. 

Mirrors for Self-Discovery

There will be plenty of mirrors (the metaphorical kind). This way, you can check your form and make sure you’re doing the exercises in the most helpful way. You’ll also have your peers and trainers to help you see your blind spots.

Each person is at a different point of their spiritual journey and so we’re all supportive of each other, regardless of where we are on our journey.

When you join The Intuition Gym, it's easier for you to:

Meet the Trainers...

Martina Muir

Martina Muir is known for her passion, unique vision, perspective, and personal approach. She has over 20 years experience in psychology, handwriting analysis, cognitive patterns, personality profiling (face, hand, body language), and numerous alternative healing modalities and methods.

She began her speaking and mentoring career in 2007 and has since been a keynote speaker, spoken to international audiences and a contributing author. Martina is the author of Divine Emergence: Call Forth Your Soul Identity and Claim Your Purpose as well as the creator of numerous training programs and events centered around the scientific and spiritual aspects of light.

She is co-founder of The Intuition Gym, along with Christie Turley, and has previously owned several other businesses in the health, fitness, food, education, marketing and services industries. Martina has many unique intuitive gifts, including the ability to see energy and light with her physical eyes and feeling subtle energies. One of her greatest joys—besides being a wife and mother—is seeing the light in an entrepreneur’s eyes after they discover who they truly are and how their gifts will bless this planet.

She loves to share her knowledge on:

🔥 Transformation
- facing challenges with courageous faith and disrupting limiting beliefs and self-deceptions.

Identity - personality profiling, handwriting analysis, cognitive patterning and body mapping/language/profiling.

🎁 Intuition & Spiritual Gifts
- discovering one's spiritual gifts, intuitive language(s) and mastering intuition.

Spirit Science - the scientific and spiritual aspects of light, metaphysics, energy, healing, and universal laws.

💧 Natural Medicine - reflexology, iridology, aromatherapy, meditation, plus 20+ healing modalities, including her own method called The BRAVE System.

🚀 Entrepreneurship - how to discover and bring your True Self and true message into your business.

Christie Turley

Brand catalyst Christie Turley sparks innovative positioning and messaging in businesses worldwide. Her superpower is uncovering hidden brand DNA and crafting the positioning that amplifies influence— leading to massive results, like one client who grew from zero to $15 million in under a year. She launched her career while juggling college classes and by age 24, she had grown two businesses by more than $30 Million.

Since then, she’s started eight businesses, including her branding firm of 16 years, BoldImpact42, and The Intuition Gym, where she and her business partner Martina Muir teach intuition mastery, finding purpose and personal reinventions. 

Christie Turley is the author of the book,
The Intuition-Led Business and the host of The Intuition-Led Business Podcast. An engaging speaker, she has shared the stage with Hay House CEO Reid Tracy, marketing legend Dan Kennedy, and many New York Times bestselling authors. She lives in the Rocky Mountains with her husband of 18 years and their two children who came miraculously after many years of intending.

She loves to share her knowledge on:

🏅 Visioning & Manifesting - attracting abundance and manifesting your ideal life, finances and relationships. 

🎁 Intuition & Spiritual Gifts - including how to open up to receive gifts and apply them to your life and career.

💜 Self-Care - rituals, meditation, affirmations, gratitude, non-negotiables and self-healing modalities.

🦋 Reinventions - whether personal or in business, helping people through the up's and down's of a rebirth.

🧬️ Personal Alignment - discovering purpose, connecting to the True Self and shedding limiting beliefs.

📣 Branding, Marketing & Selling - branding, messaging, design, visibility, marketing and selling in an authentic way.

Explore what's included in The Intuition Gym...

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